Wednesday, November 27, 2013

On giving up a life and still being alive

Many friends are inviting me to play Candy Crush Saga. Have no spare time just to try it much as I wanted to, so I really have no idea what this game is all about. Many times over I could just read some notifications that these friends gave life in Candy Crush Saga.

Been coming back to the doctor for 3 weeks now and not yet through with other necessary tests. This thing of frequent visits to the doctor is normal to others friends and family members whose been through this even at younger age, but the idealistic me who wants to grow old without synthetic medicines is in the state of denial, cannot accept the result of the first tests and is seeking for second opinion...

Everything's okay said the doctor, at age 53 the result of those tests are normal... and there are medicines to take for maintenance...

So it's normal to get sick at age 53! It's normal to take maintenance medicines...and for lifetime?
The stubborn (or skeptic?) me could not accept the logic.

Anyway, guess this is just a normal reaction of a resistant patient...who is about to become a regular visitor of the doctor (and wishing not).

Going back to Candy Crush Saga, I still don't play it, but I really get amused with notifications that my friends gave up life, and I would wittily tell myself I wish we could really do up  life and still continue on living.

No joke now. I really wish I could give up a life, as many times as I can, and still continue to live...

...while there are so many things yet to be done.

Just one of my Soft Tough Thoughts...again.

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