Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Yuletide Message

Yuletide Message

Before 2014 ends we would like to give our heartfelt gratitude to all the people who made this passing year really beautiful. No amount of words can express our gratefulness to all of you for making 2014 a great and meaningful year for all of us.  

From our family…to our relatives, friends and mates, members and associates at the church, fellow constituents in the community, colleagues in the academe and fellow members in organizations and associations, other unnamed special people on the sidetrack watching and lifting us, offices and agencies which are channels of our cause…it was great having spent another year with you.   

Our lives met, crossed, intertwined, and you chose to be involved with our cause for all, some lightly, and others deeply involved in one way or another. It was a tough year, yet we stayed together though the sailing was rough. Thank you very much for all the courage and determination, for standing firmly with us, not for ourselves but for a nobler cause.   

As Martin Luther King says...

More than our thankfulness, we salute you with our highest and immeasurable regard for joining us in our tough journey... 

We look forward to reaping the sweet fruit of our bitter labor come 2015. All of these will not be possible without your unfailing support.

More power to all of you. God’s grace and abundance be upon you, and your family. 

Peace be with us this 2015.

Monday, December 8, 2014

And All Things Shall Come to Pass…

                                                                            Photo credits  from the Internet

Not just for children, but for adults as well. In life, it is painful to see many blinds are misled by equally blind others into the pitfall. Though we have the moral obligation to campaign for the truth but many are deliberately resisting to accept it, sometimes it is better to stop and watch for a while, and let all things be. All these things shall come to pass…

In the end, it is the Truth that will always prevail…

More than ever, now I understand why we should love our enemies, and why is so that our enemies are said to be our best friends. 

It is because our enemies bring out the best in us, the real in us, really! When our opponents try to dispute our side of the coin and insist their side, they are actually and unconsciously shedding the light on  both sides for others to see the comparison, and if we are on the right side then the favor is done unto us, and not on them. Enough reason to love our enemies?

And when all things have come to pass, and the truth have prevailed, everybody will savor the  sweet fruit of triumph, including opponents who will eventually convene. And for those who will stubbornly opposed?  Surely they will reap the consequences of their evil deeds. 

Now, time to rest for a while, enjoy watching our blindfolded opponents and see where they are going. It's a free country, everybody has the liberty to do what one pleases to do, as long as it is not unlawful. My prayer and affirmation: After the turmoil, it is the Truth that will prevail.

And it is getting nearer...   

Thank you for bringing the best in us, and giving us reasons to love you... 

Fellow folks, enjoy watching...