Yesterday during our service on Good Friday the 2nd speaker of the 7 Last Words of Jesus on the Cross asked each one of the members of the congregation: "If you have 24 hours left in your life now, and you are about to die after 24 hours, how will you spend it?"
Faced with a sudden question that called for immediate answer the replies of the members were stunning and ridiculous:
One said she would eat well.
One said she would go to the parlor.
One said she would choose the clothes she'll gonna wear when she dies.
Hubby said he would spend it just thinking and thinking.
One said she would repent all day.
One said she would spend it doing selfies...
I said I would call all my children for "todo habilinan"
And so on and so on...
One said she would go to the parlor.
One said she would choose the clothes she'll gonna wear when she dies.
Hubby said he would spend it just thinking and thinking.
One said she would repent all day.
One said she would spend it doing selfies...
I said I would call all my children for "todo habilinan"
And so on and so on...
When the speaker was about to expound his message on Luke 23:43 - And Jesus said to him "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with ME in Paradise" our deaconess asked him "And how about you, how will you spend your last 24 hours too?"
Caught unprepared too, the speaker's immediate reply was "I would clean our house" that made the congregation laughed.
Caught unprepared too, the speaker's immediate reply was "I would clean our house" that made the congregation laughed.
Of course we know that those answers above are abrupt and most of them will be different when we are really confronted with our last 24 hours.
The Gist of the message:
Let us spend each day as if it is our last.
Let us spend each day as if it is our last.
May we all have a meaningful LENT Celebration.