From childhood we were taught to pray in the most solemn and finest manner, be it alone or with others. Yet there is a passage in the bible that says "when you pray go your room and lock yourself in your closet". This is so because God wants us to pray in the most honest and open manner. And just how is that most honest and open manner?
When a spoiled child demands something from his parents and it was not granted as he wished, expect the spoiled child to throw tantrums until he gets what he wants...spoiled children (not necessary brats) usually do that...and the parents usually give in...
I terribly miss Rev. David Chang (his soul rest in peace). He was a Korean Pastor assigned to our church years back. He was a pastor we've known to deliver radical yet solemn sermons. It was from him that I heard we can pray to our God like a spoiled child throwing tantrums until we get what we want...spoiled children can do so because they are their parents favorites...that's why they are made spoiled...
So? If you are having so much trials you think are too much to bear, then you are God's favorite...because He's giving you that much! If you think that you surely are one of God's favorite..go ahead...when you pray you pray in tantrums...all the way down...and God will be watching you with all smiles...and will have no choice but to grant what you want...
Aren't our earth parents like that? How much more is God our father...?
By the way...praying in tantrums is praying persistently...and persistent prayer is doing it in 40 days and 40 nights...
Will our Great God give us a NO answer for that?
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